
Morning Routine for Working Moms

morning routines for moms

Morning Routine for Working Moms

The chaos of the morning for working moms can sometimes wreak the rest of your day. And, sadly, it doesn’t take that much. It can be as simple as realizing you forgot your freshly pumped breastmilk on the counter when you’re already halfway to the daycare. It’s hard to get into a morning routine, especially when you have little ones. You might be wondering, is there such a thing as a morning routine for busy moms? If you are, it might surprise you that some little changes in your morning will turn your whole day around.

Prep the Night Before

A huge part of having a successful morning routine is being prepared. In order for your morning to go smoothly, you may want to do a few things the night before, so you’re not in a hurry from the morning you wake up. Not being prepared in the morning results in feeling stressed, disorganized and scattered. When you’re prepared, you’ll feel successful and ready to start the day.

Empty the Dishwasher After Dinner

It’s a common habit to load the dishwasher after dinner and let it run while putting the kids to bed. The problem with this is that then when you wake up you need to unload it, which is not a good day to start your day. Instead, you should empty the dishwasher once the cycle is complete after dinner.

Wake Up Earlier

Waking up early can provide you with an opportunity to take a long shower, meditate, wake up before your kids after you are fully ready, and most importantly to leave the house feeling calm and prepared. It’s no longer about just making it to school drop off and sliding into your desk with seconds to spare, but more about having enough time to get yourself fully together so you can have time to solely focus on your kids without rushing. Try waking up a half an hour earlier than you usually would.

Wake Up Before Your Kids

This is very helpful because you’ll be able to get ready and have some time for yourself. Rushing or being busy multi-tasking in the morning aren’t great behaviors that you are modeling to your child. If you are dressed and prepared to leave before you even wake the kids up, it will give you more time to positively interact and connect in the morning before you all go your separate ways.

Pick Out Your Clothes

Pick out your clothes before you go to bed. You can choose your outfit the night before or choose your outfits for the entire week. This will help you all get ready faster and is one less thing to worry about in the morning. Do you go to the gym in the morning? Pack your workout bag with fresh clothes, the night before too!

Choose Quick Breakfasts

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Don’t skip it just because it’s too much work, find something that is quick and easy to grab in the morning. Here  are few quick breakfasts to try: overnight oats, egg cups, make your own energy bites and store them in the fridge, waffles and pancakes (make your own and freeze), yogurt with granola or fruit.

Go Tech Free

Don’t look at your phone until you have left the house in the morning. Using your phone in the morning is a distraction that is stressful for everyone, whether it’s replying to emails, making lists, or constant pings of notifications all while ordering your kids to get ready. Instead, put your phone on do not disturb and focus on getting through your morning. Once you’ve dropped off the kids before driving off to work, you can spend a few minutes in the car to review what’s come in overnight.