
Your Guide To Spring Cleaning: Closet Edition

Your Guide To Spring Cleaning: Closet Edition

The Spring season is just around the corner. Do you know what that means? Spring cleaning! Who doesn’t love a refreshed wardrobe to welcome the warm weather and beaming sun? There are so many benefits when it comes to Spring cleaning and we’re not just talking about having a tidy closet. Getting rid of clothes is liberating and gives you the chance to let go of the past. Clothes hold meaning and are easily attachable so it can be very difficult to let go of material items, but once you do you’ll be saying goodbye to the past forever. At Fashion Style Guru, we know how good it feels to let go of the old and welcome the new. Our bloggers have the most incredible tips and tricks when it comes time for Spring cleaning. Read on!

Have You Worn It In The Past Year?

Once Spring cleaning begins, always ask yourself this question, “Have I used this in the past year?” If the answer is no, then you should probably get rid of it. It’s easier said than done, but once you get started with actually adding items to the “get rid of” pile, it’ll seem fun. If you have worn or used it in the past year and the item still brings joy then, of course, keep it! Try your best to avoid saying that you’ll wear it in the future because 9 times out of 10, you won’t and it will sit in the back of your closet. Another Spring cleaning trick to let go of garments effortlessly is to invite a friend or family member over for support. They will provide the comfort and uplifting spirit you may need when decluttering your beloved wardrobe for the Spring season.

Is It Still Your Style?

While fashion trends come and go, your favorite pieces go with them. It’s so easy to forget about the clothing you own. At one point you wore them every single day and then the next moment, it’s in the back of your closet. When cleaning up your wardrobe, ask yourself if a piece is even your style anymore. We are always growing and our preferences are changing, meaning we don’t wear the same clothes as we did a few years ago. Get rid of clothing that is out of your style and let someone else have a turn for the Spring. Your trash can be another woman’s treasure!

Give Your Clothes A Second Life For Spring – Recycle!

Clothing should be treated with love and respect, especially in today’s world of fast fashion. We love a good, affordable store to pick up some clothing from but the mass production of garments is very harmful to the environment. That’s where you come in. Instead of trashing your old clothes while Spring cleaning, you should repurpose, donate, or sell them! Give an old t-shirt some new flare by cropping it or download a clothes-selling app and make money instantly! A great way to shop for your closet without harming the environment or breaking the bank is thrifting. Provide a second life for the clothing in those stores and see what you can do to reuse them.

Refresh & Prep Your Wardrobe For The Spring Season

Sorry Winter, we’ve been hibernating long enough. It’s time to welcome the crisp Spring weather with a free spirit because there’s nothing like entering a new season with good vibes and a clear head. Taking the time to go through your closet to get rid of items from the past is freeing for the body and soul. It’s time to clean up Winter’s mess and open our arms to the new term. The past is in the past and it’s time to accept it and move on because Spring is coming! Subscribe to the Fashion Style Guru blog for the latest fashion news, Spring trends, and styling tricks for the new season.